so everything will be in random order.
let's see.
we have the Singapore Fireworks Festival. caught it on a wet friday night with baby. i think that was last friday.
the day before we met for lunch at jurong point. i feel so bad that she has to travel all the way to boon lay all the time to meet up with me.
so yesterday i went to crash her lecture at her school. just to keep her company. and had a crash course in accounting. didnt really understood what the lecturer was saying. but oh well. almost had to have lunch with her friends.
speaking of which, her mother is asking me to join them for dinner or something one of these days.
haha. my baby freaked out when HER mother wants to meet me. i wonder how's she going to react when my parents want to meet her.
and on one of the wednesdays, we went to east coast park.
we went to the beach.
had dinner at a japanese/korean restaurant.
then we just sat on the breakwater and stoned and, well just kinda stoned there till pretty late. good thing we were able to catch the last bus home. at least she caught the last bus home. by the time we reached her place, i had to get a cab home.

i have no idea how to rotate a picture so screw it. go turn your head 90deg. it was on the newspapers. the photographer is really really good to get this angle. took a picture of that while i was having POE lecture.
school sucks.
i still have not gotten used to all the rushing between north and south spine. why is my lecture theatre all the way at the southern most tip of the south spine and all my tutorial rooms at the northern most tip of the north spine?
and i need to find a way to understand "Black Body Radiation" from quantum physics in TWO WEEKS or i'll be screwed for my test. HA. I haven't even figured out anything from geometric optics. so i AM screwed.
why did i choose engineering in the first place?
couldnt study today because too many good shows on tv and my bloody tuition kid changed his tuition time to TODAY. and he informed me yesterday. i should just strangle him. what is X*X? his answer is 2X.
one of the thursdays i woke my baby up at 8am. she always sleeps till at least 11am. that pig. (cant let her know i said that :-P)
went straight to cathay cineleisure to watch "Meet Dave". at 10am in the morning. and we had the whole cinema to ourself. :-)
finally got myself a laptop bag.
ahh, yes. i've finally lost my train of thoughts. shall continue some other time.