we were supposed to be studying, but then we ending up talking nonsense. this is probably why we dont really get anything done on time. and how jia long supposedly saved my arse by telling me that both assignments are due tomorrow.
chris then saved my ass again by telling me jia long cock-eyed and see wrongly. the other assignment is only due next week.
and did i mention the horrible accident when i pillion ride on jia long's bike? never mind. he ride bike, we almost bang into car from opposite direction.
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
i only plan to play only
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
eh jia long...
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
i lub u deep deep...
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
cb lah, go gay with others lah
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for
me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
u lub me???
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
if u dun remind me abt the masteringphysics, i sure gong gong think can wait till nxt week one..
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
u will never sit my bike again
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
sit nxt to u can liao..
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
lucky like that only
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
but assignment 3 quite easy.. as compared to assignment 2...
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
i now start to do ass 2
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
dun wana scare u but 2 is quite diff.. at least for me la...
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
duno why peian and edison can breeze thru one...
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
if u duno how to do i got a suggestion for u..
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
maybe they a pair hahahahahahah
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
scandal in the making kekekekekekekekekekekkekeekekekekekke
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
u wana noe the suggestion??
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
what suggestion?
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
like if u duno how to do some of the questions frm assignment 2...
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
u go pretend to be aini then ask junyi how to do....
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
i dun have ahem password and id leh
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
try mayb copy aini's msn nick lor...
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
then change ur display pic..
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
u do it lah
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
or u go create new acct...
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
i not so cb lah
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
like aini's addy is _________@hotmail.com, u go create a __________@hotmail.com or smtg like tt..
(sorry cannot display address)Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
男人不坏 女人不爱
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
so u mus b a little cb once in a while...
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
no 女人爱 me leh
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
cos u not cb enough la...
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
kns, i jus explain liao..
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
i not 坏 meh?
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
not enough...
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
apparently.. duh..
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
i alrd 坏 meh? not enough?
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
eh boy i dun understand wad u saying..
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
jus go b evil n create a fake acct to scam junyi la...
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
u do it lah
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
i dunno how to create email
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
go eat shit n die la..
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
can give me ur mastering physics acc?
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
i need to see answers for ass 2
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
wha lao go work it out la..
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
dun lazy....
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
i knn last attempt
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
cb sig fig
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
if ur ans is correct dun need to worry abt sig fig...
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
they will round for u..
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
not for some
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
is it??
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
all my ans they round for me one leh.. as long as it is correct...
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
not for me
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
u using mac right??
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
nobody likes mac la...
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
they noe u using mac so dun round for u...
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
who ask u to b extra??
[Jia Long] 我好想EMO一下... ; Super shagged, totally drained; Chingay 2009 was an alarm for me to eat more and gain more muscles. says:
i'm not the only one using mac lor
Jeffrey. 我好想EMO一下. Not only is life a bitch, it is always having puppies. says:
then i hate to say this... but like this means it's u r the prob liao..