Tuesday, March 27, 2007

hmm. i was thinking what i can say when and if i'm angry"
1. Fight? Sure, but let's make it quick because I wanna see you choke on your dying breath.
2. You know how this will go right? We fight, We suffer, and I win.
3. Because I'm a BUM, I'm a PUNK!
4. You're good at pissing me off.
5. I'll adjust your attitude problem for you!

alright, enough of anger.
let's talk about FOOD!

Chocolate muffins! ate lots of them yesterday. couple them with a cup of hot steaming Milo. Oh! The Grandeur!

where's a pizza boy when you need one? right now i have this uncontrollable urge to sink my teeth into a slice of cheesy hawaiian pizza!

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