Wednesday, October 3, 2007


somehow i manage to lose about a week's worth of posts. but nevermind, i'll just carry on with whatever posts i have.

right i'm just very frustrated with my leave. the system kept getting change every week. so i'm on leave again today and tomorrow.

why bother asking us to keep replanning our leave when at the end of the day, we are "assigned" our leave.


some of my friends might notice that recently these couple of months, i'm walking around with a little black book. like a mini-diary. i cant possibly blog anytime anywhere. so i'm writing in my little black book.

if anybody are lucky enough to peep into that book, you'll realise that what i blog about is a watered down version of what i really want to talk about.

on a random note, i'll follow julia's advice and go on out with that friend of mine. who knows something good will come out of it.

went cycling today. tried to be a little adventurous, so i cycled towards macritchie reservoir.

along the way, i stopped at the former Westlake Primary School. i was there for the first six months of my primary one year.

i wasnt able to enter the school compounds, so i just stayed outside and stared at the building.


i remember recess time was spent playing soccer along the front porch and we would dig out whatever rubbish we could find from the rubbish bin to use as a ball. sometimes when the "ball" dropped into drain nearby, we would have to be lowered down by other friends to pick it up.

i went to take a look at the drain. maybe i've grown bigger. maybe the drain has been made shallower. but somehow the drain seemed so small. i tried to visualise a primary one kid climbing in and out to get the plastic bottle out.

there used to be a fish pond at the rear of the school where the secondary school kids will come to buy fish snacks at 20cts each to feed the fish. and soemtimes one of them will get pushed into the pond by the rest. then the janitor will come out and start yelling at them. most of the time the kids managed to escape before being hauled by the janior to the principal's office.

back then i wanted to grow up to become those kids. to return to the primary school to feed the fishes. but i transferred to kuo chuan presbyterian priamry school six months later.

speaking of the principal's office, i had a very close brush with it as a kid. back then i didnt know what a prefect is. and the head prefect caught me eating along the classroom corridor and he wanted to bring me to the teachers' office.

of course i struggled and he ask me, "you know who i am? i'm the head prefect!"
the ignorant me replied, "I dont know what is that! i dont care!"

we got into a scuffle and i punched the poor fellow right on his cheek and he started bleeding in the gums. somehow he suddenly grew very strong and dragged me to the principal's office. the principal was in a meeting so i was told to wait outside the office.

i remember i grew impatient and decided i dont need to see the principal, so i just walked off.



i the cycled up braddell hill but turned back after seeing there were no pavements. the cars were speeding for crying out loud.

so i carried on to macritchie reservoir and relaxed there for a while.

maybe i'll do that again tomorrow.

"Her anguish was so intense that it had scrapped her nerves raw, until a murmur of commiseration was like a scream to her, until a loving hand scorched like a branding iron."

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