Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Today is NOT a good day. because 2 bad things happened. one within my control, the other not.

so this is the first one:
I made the wrong ASSUMPTION and jumped to the wrong CONCLUSION.


i know i'm better than that, so i'm guessing it's just a moment of weakness.

oh man.

but i'm also glad because i got to see the next higher level of beauty. of course, it's very very superficial and again, i'm better than that.

so just some indulgence once in a while.

the second one:
i'm gonna be a loner for my university days.

i just found out that NTU's Combined Engineering Freshmen Orientation Camp's gonna happen when i'm OVERSEAS.


this sucks.

and i just realised a third thing:
university miscellaneous fees are friggin expensive.

looks like i'm gonna have to buy a loaf of bread at around $2.00 and live off on it for a week.

i have just got to find a way to earn income while studying.

"No deserving student shall ever be denied of education because of his financial situation."

"bull****," i say...


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