Reading up on a few things:
1. Wave & Particle Behavior
2. Applications of Quantum Physics
3. Black Body
4. Spectral Radiancy
5. The Stefan-Boltzmann Law
6. Wien's Displacement Law
7. Rayleigh & Jean's Model
8. Planck's model
9. Planck's Two Assumptions
I'm gonna take it slow even though i'm already pretty far behind time.
But it's better to understand what's going on.
Maybe it's just me, but i think foreign students spoil the market for us locals.
Yesterday was still chatting with baby. We're thinking of disappearing for 2 or 3 days during my Dec break. Go for a holiday or something.
That requires time and MONEY. Will worry about that later towards the end of the year.
Yesterday was a beautiful day. For once it didnt rain. But then I guess the focus was on beautiful DAY. it was pouring at night.
Since the DAY was perfect, we decided to go to the rooftop terrace. We haven't been there for a long time.
And we were disturbed.
Another couple needs help in the filming of their wedding or something like that.

So I can't resist it and took a few pictures of the three of them. The couple with my baby, the professional photographer.
Maybe I'll blog more later.
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