Sunday, September 23, 2007

or lack thereof...

i'm getting a pretty bad hangover. all because i had a bottle Hooch last night. it wasnt my first time drinking that and the alcohol content isnt high enough. i guess i must be pretty tired yesterday.

for every black, there's a white..
for every right, there's a wrong..
for every time you try to be evil, you'll get your retribution..

i got mine..

my right arm is really sore from the badminton game because i smashed every single shot that came to me.

oh well.

i just spent quite a huge sum of money yesterday. soon i'll be needing to spend around $300.
no chance to save any money. damn.

and my father's pestering to quickly finish my driving lessons. what's the rush? my driving test is at january next year.

and i got humiliated very publicly yesterday.
i'm very very traumatised.
i'll never be able to step into the Heeren's ever again.

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