Friday, July 4, 2008

well, i guess you're just plain lucky that i remembered everything in the last minute.

honestly, i dont even care.


we went out again last night after i knock off from work.

had dinner and went to watch movie and we even manage to get couple seats.

things were going well and would have stayed way had she not spill the drink on the seat.

walked around after the movie. just hung around.

would have carried on doing that if not for the fact i still need to work today.


went back to cjc today.


ms teh still look the same. she dont seem to have aged at all.

and she's considering if i can just call her angela.

speaking of which i wanna thank my dear friend julia who will help me out with the big big plan...

i'm praying very hard nothing goes wrong..


imagine the shock i got when ms teh asked as she gave me the concert tickets, "Bringing your girlfriend along ah?"


i dont even know how to answer her and that julia tan also didnt help me.

then ms teh carried on, "You're 21 right? you're old enough to have a girlfriend."

lol. i didnt know you have to be at a minimum age..


please dont let the big big plan fail...

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